Package pyvision :: Package point :: Module DetectorSURF :: Class DetectorSURF
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Class DetectorSURF

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DetectorROI.DetectorROI --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, min_hessian=400.0, **kwargs)
n - is the approximate number of points requested.
source code
_detect(self, im) source code

Inherited from DetectorROI.DetectorROI: detect

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, min_hessian=400.0, **kwargs)

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n - is the approximate number of points requested. bin_size - the width and height of each bin in pixels. selector - ('all', 'bins', or 'best') stratagy for point selection.

When corner_selector is set to bins, the image is subdivided in to bins of size <bin_size>X<bin_size> pixels and an equal number of points will be taken from each of those bins. This insures that points are found in all parts of the image not just where the corners are strongest.

Overrides: DetectorROI.DetectorROI.__init__

_detect(self, im)

source code 
Overrides: DetectorROI.DetectorROI._detect