Package pyvision :: Package point :: Module DetectorSURF
[hide private]
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Module DetectorSURF

source code

Created on Apr 16, 2009

Author: bolme

Classes [hide private]
Functions [hide private]
ExtractSURF(im, min_hessian=300)
Uses OpenCV to extract SURF keypoints.
source code
Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'pyvision.point'
Function Details [hide private]

ExtractSURF(im, min_hessian=300)

source code 

Uses OpenCV to extract SURF keypoints. Currently does not compute SURF features.

TODO: An option should be added to also compute and return the SURF descriptors. TODO: This should be extended with options for octaves and levels. TODO: I believe there are no memory leaks but this should be checked. cvSURFParams?