Package pyvision :: Package other :: Module surf
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Source Code for Module

 1  ''' 
 2  Created on Feb 2, 2011 
 4  @author: bolme 
 5  ''' 
 7  #import pyvision as pv 
 8  import cv 
10 -def surf(im,mask=None,extended=False,hessianThreshold=500, nOctaves=3, nOctaveLayers=4):
11 ''' 12 Keypoints contain a 13 0: center point 14 1 sign of laplacian (-1,0,+1) 15 2 scale - diameter or radius 16 3 angle 17 4 response value 18 19 Descriptors contain 64 floating point numbers 20 21 @param im: image to extract features from. 22 @type im: pv.Image 23 @param mask: a mask that controls where features are extracted from. 24 @type mask: OpenCV 8bit image 25 @return: (keypoints,descriptors) 26 ''' 27 cvim = im.asOpenCVBW() 28 keypoints,descriptors = cv.ExtractSURF(cvim,mask,cv.CreateMemStorage(),(int(extended),hessianThreshold,nOctaves,nOctaveLayers)) 29 return keypoints,descriptors