Package pyvision :: Package face :: Module FilterEyeLocator :: Class FilterEyeLocator
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Class FilterEyeLocator

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This class provides a PyVision interface to the ASEF eye locator.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, filename=None, ilog=None)
Load the eye detector from the file.
source code
__call__(self, im, face_rects, ilog=None) source code
locateEyes(self, im, face_rects, ilog=None)
Finds the eyes in the image.
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Method Details [hide private]

locateEyes(self, im, face_rects, ilog=None)

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Finds the eyes in the image.

  • im - full sized image
  • face_rects - list of rectangle which are the output from the cascade face detector.