Package pyvision :: Package face :: Module FilterEyeLocator
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[frames] | no frames]

Module FilterEyeLocator

source code

This is a simplified correlation filter implementation used to locate eyes using ASEF correlation filters. This file contains two classes: OpenCVFilterEyeLocator and FilterEyeLocator. The first is the bare minimum required to locate eye and only requires opencv. The second need is a wrapper that includes a nice pyvision compatible interface. This class is not integrated with PyVision. PyVision supplies an interface to this class which cleans up the interface and provides a bridge to many of the PyVision data structures.

Version: $Revision: 729 $

Author: David S. Bolme - Colorado State Univeristy

Classes [hide private]
This class is used for someone only interested in locating the eyes in an image using correlation filters.
This class provides a PyVision interface to the ASEF eye locator.
Functions [hide private]
saveFilterEyeLocator(filename, el, comment='', copyright_str='')
File Format
source code
loadFilterEyeLocator(filename, ilog=None)
Loads the eye locator from a file.'
source code
Variables [hide private]
  warning = '\n WARNING: A patent protection is anticipated f...
  __package__ = 'pyvision.face'
Function Details [hide private]

saveFilterEyeLocator(filename, el, comment='', copyright_str='')

source code 

File Format

  • Line 1: CFEL
  • Line 2: <comment>
  • Line 3: <copyright>
  • Line 4: ROWS COLS
  • Line 5: LEFT_RECT
  • Line 6: RIGHT_RECT
  • Line 7: BYTE_ORDER(0x41424344 or 'ABCD')
  • Line 8: <binary data: two single precision floating point arrays of 4*WIDTH*HEIGHT bytes)

Variables Details [hide private]


    WARNING: A patent protection is anticipated for ASEF and 
             similar filters by the Colorado State University 
             Research Foundation (CSURF). 
             This module, "", my not be 
             suitable for commercial use.