Package pyvision :: Package beta :: Module vtm
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Source Code for Module pyvision.beta.vtm

  1  ''' 
  2  Created on Oct 21, 2011 
  4  @author: bolme 
  5  ''' 
  7  import time 
  8  from collections import defaultdict 
  9  import cProfile 
 10  import traceback 
 11  import shelve 
14 -class EmptyData(object):
15 - def __str__(self):
16 return "<MissingData>"
18 -class DefaultData(object):
19 - def __init__(self,default):
20 self.default = default
22 - def __str__(self):
23 tmp = str(self.default) 24 tmp = " ".join(tmp.split()) # Flatten to one line an collapse white space to single spaces 25 if len(tmp) > 40: 26 tmp = tmp[:37] + "..." 27 return "<DefaultData:%s>"%(tmp,)
28 29 EMPTY_DATA = EmptyData() 30 31 ############################################################################# 32 # Video tasks are opperations to be run on a frame. 33 #############################################################################
34 -class VideoTask(object):
35 ''' 36 This provides an interface and support functions for a video processing 37 task. Typically a subclass will overide the constructor which will 38 be used as a task factory and will create the task and specify the 39 arguments. 40 ''' 41 42 # TODO: optional args should also be added which are included if avalible but will not delay execution if they are not avalible.
43 - def __init__(self,frame_id,args=[]):
44 ''' 45 @param frame_id: the frame_id associated with this task. 46 @param args: specification of the data that is required to execute the task. 47 ''' 48 self.frame_id = frame_id 49 self.args = args 50 51 self.task_id = None 52 self.label = self.__class__.__name__ 53 if not hasattr(self,'subgraph'): 54 self.subgraph = None 55 if not hasattr(self,'color'): 56 self.color = None 57 58 self._arg_map = {} 59 self._added_args = 0 # keep track of how many arguments have been found. 60 self._default_args = 0 # keep track of how many arguments are currently default. 61 for i in range(len(args)): 62 each = args[i] 63 dtype = each[0] 64 fid = each[1] 65 key = (dtype,fid) 66 #if self._arg_map.has_key(key): 67 # continue 68 if len(each) == 2: 69 self._arg_map[key] = EMPTY_DATA 70 elif len(each) == 3: 71 self._arg_map[key] = DefaultData(each[2]) 72 self._default_args += 1 73 else: 74 raise ValueError("Argument should have 2 or 3 values: %s"%each) 75 76 self.collected_args = [False for each in self.args] 77 self.processed_args = [each for each in self.args] 78 self.distributable = False 79 self.is_ready = False
80 81
82 - def addData(self, data_item):
83 ''' 84 Check to see if the data item is needed for this task. If it is then keep a reference. 85 ''' 86 # Compute the key 87 key = (data_item.getType(),data_item.getFrameId()) 88 89 # Check if this task needs the data 90 if self._arg_map.has_key(key): 91 curr_val = self._arg_map[key] 92 93 # If no default save the data and update counts 94 if curr_val == EMPTY_DATA: 95 self._arg_map[key] = data_item.getData() 96 self._added_args += 1 97 return True 98 99 # If there is a default replace and update counts 100 elif isinstance(curr_val,DefaultData): 101 self._arg_map[key] = data_item.getData() 102 self._added_args += 1 103 self._default_args -= 1 104 assert self._default_args >= 0 # This should only fail if there is an error in counting. 105 return True 106 return False
107 108
109 - def ready(self):
110 ''' 111 Returns True if this task is ready to run. 112 ''' 113 return self._added_args == len(self._arg_map)
114 115
116 - def couldRun(self):
117 ''' 118 Returns True if this task could run with the default arguments. 119 ''' 120 return self._added_args + self._default_args == len(self._arg_map)
121 122
123 - def run(self):
124 125 args = [] 126 for i in range(len(self.args)): 127 each = self.args[i] 128 key = (each[0],each[1]) 129 if isinstance(self._arg_map[key],DefaultData): 130 args.append(self._arg_map[key].default) 131 else: 132 args.append(self._arg_map[key]) 133 134 return self.execute(*args)
135 136
137 - def getFrameId(self):
138 ''' 139 @returns: the frame_id associated with this task. 140 ''' 141 return self.frame_id
143 - def required(self):
144 ''' 145 @returns: the list of required data. 146 ''' 147 return self.args
149 - def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
150 ''' 151 This is an abstract method that needs to be implemented in subclasses. 152 One argument is suppled for each item in the required arguments. This 153 method should return a list of new data items. If no data is 154 generated by this method an empty list should be returned. 155 ''' 156 raise NotImplementedError("Abstract Method")
158 - def printInfo(self):
159 print "VideoTask {%s:%d}"%(self.__class__.__name__,self.getFrameId()) 160 for key in self._arg_map.keys(): 161 dtype,frame_id = key 162 163 if self._arg_map[key] is EMPTY_DATA or isinstance(self._arg_map[key],DefaultData): 164 print " Argument <%s,%d> -> %s"%(dtype,frame_id,str(self._arg_map[key])) 165 166 else: 167 tmp = str(self._arg_map[key]) 168 tmp = " ".join(tmp.split()) # Flatten to one line an collapse white space to single spaces 169 if len(tmp) > 40: 170 tmp = tmp[:37] + "..." 171 print " Argument <%s,%d> -> %s"%(dtype,frame_id,tmp)
172 173
174 -class _VideoDataItem(object):
175 ''' 176 This class keeps track of data items and when they are used. 177 '''
178 - def __init__(self,data_tuple):
179 self._data_type = data_tuple[0] 180 self._frame_id = data_tuple[1] 181 self._data = data_tuple[2] 182 self._touched = 0
184 - def getType(self):
185 ''' Get the item type. ''' 186 return self._data_type
188 - def getFrameId(self):
189 ''' Get the frame id. ''' 190 return self._frame_id
192 - def getData(self):
193 ''' Get the actual data. ''' 194 return self._data
196 - def getKey(self):
197 ''' Get the key. ''' 198 return (self._data_type,self._frame_id)
200 - def touch(self):
201 ''' Count the number of times this data was touched. ''' 202 self._touched += 1
204 - def getTouched(self):
205 ''' Return the number of times the data was touched. ''' 206 return self._touched
208 - def __repr__(self):
209 return "_VideoDataItem((%s,%s,%s)"%(self._data_type,self._frame_id,self._data)
210 211 212
213 -def vtmProcessor(task_queue,results_queue,options):
214 ''' 215 Each task_queue item should have three items (task_id,frame_id,command/task). 216 the command "quit" is used to stop the process. 217 218 The vtmProcessor will return (task_id, frame_id, results). If there is an exception 219 then the result will be replaced by the exception and a stack trace will be printed. 220 ''' 221 222 while True: 223 item = task_queue.get() 224 try: 225 task_id,frame_id,task = item 226 227 result = 228 229 results_queue.put((task_id,frame_id,result)) 230 231 except Exception, error: 232 traceback.print_exc() 233 results_queue.put((task_id,frame_id,error))
234 235 236 ############################################################################# 237 # This class manages the workflow for video items. 238 ############################################################################# 239 # TODO: Should we keep this name?
240 -class VideoTaskManager(object):
241 ''' 242 The framework provide by this class will allow complex video processing 243 systems to be constructed from simple tasks. Often video processing 244 loops can be complicated because data needs to persist across many frame 245 and many operations or tasks need to be completed to solve a video analysis 246 problem. This class allows for many small and simple tasks to be managed 247 in a way that can produce a complex and powerful system. # 248 249 Tasks request only the data they need, which keeps the complexity of tasks 250 as simple as possible. This also reduces the coupling between tasks and 251 eliminates complex video processing loops. The video task manager handles 252 much of the complexity of the video processing system like data buffering, 253 and insures that each task gets its required data. # 254 255 This class manages tasks that are run on video frames. The video task 256 manager maintains a list of data objects and task objects. Each task is 257 a listener for data objects. When the data objects are avalible required 258 to execute a task the tasks execute method will be called and the required 259 data items will be passed as arguments. # 260 261 New frames are added using the addFrame method. When a frame is added 262 it creates a data item that includes a frame_id, a data type of "FRAME", 263 and a pv.Image that contains the frame data. Tasks can register to 264 receive that frame data or any data products of other tasks and when 265 that data becomes available the task will be executed. 266 ''' 267
268 - def __init__(self,debug_level=0, buffer_size=10, show = False):
269 ''' 270 Create a task manager. 271 272 @param debug_level: 0=quiet, 1=errors, 2=warnings, 3=info, 4=verbose 273 @type debug_level: int 274 @param buffer_size: the size of the frame and data buffer. 275 @type buffer_size: int 276 ''' 277 self.debug_level = debug_level 278 279 # Initialize data. 280 self.frame_id = 0 281 self.task_list = [] 282 self.task_factories = [] 283 self.buffer_size = buffer_size 284 285 self.frame_list = [] 286 = show 287 288 # Initialize information for flow analysis. 289 self.flow = defaultdict(set) 290 self.task_set = set() 291 self.data_set = set((('FRAME',None),('LAST_FRAME',None),)) 292 self.task_data = defaultdict(dict) 293 self.task_id = 0 294 295 self.lastFrameCreated = 0 296 297 self.recording_shelf = None 298 self.playback_shelf = None 299 self.recording_filter = None 300 self.task_filter = None 301 self.playback_filter = None 302 303 if self.debug_level >= 3: 304 print "TaskManager[INFO]: Initialized"
305 306
307 - def addTaskFactory(self,task_factory,*args,**kwargs):
308 ''' 309 This function add a task factory function to the video task manager. 310 The function is called once for every frame processed by the 311 VideoTaskManager. This function should take one argument which 312 is the frame_id of that frame. The task factory should return an 313 instance of the VideoTask class that will perform processing on this 314 frame. There are three options for implementing a task factory. # 315 - A class object for a VideoTask which has a constructor that takes 316 a frame_id as an argument. When called the constructor for that 317 class and will create a task. 318 - A function that takes a frame id argument. The function can 319 create and return a task. 320 - Any other object that implements the __call__ method which 321 returns a task instance. 322 323 Any additional arguments or keyword arguments passed to this 324 to this function will be pased after the frame_id argument 325 to the task factory. # 326 327 @param task_factory: a function or callible object that returns a task. 328 @type task_factory: callable 329 @param profile: Keyword argument. If true, profile data will be 330 generated for each call to this task. 331 @type profile: True | False 332 ''' 333 self.task_id += 1 334 profile = False 335 if kwargs.has_key('profile'): 336 profile = kwargs['profile'] 337 del kwargs['profile'] 338 self.task_factories.append((task_factory,args,kwargs,profile,self.task_id))
339 340
341 - def addFrame(self,frame,ilog=None):
342 ''' 343 Adds a new frame to the task manager and then start processing. 344 345 @param frame: the next frame of video. 346 @type frame: pv.Image 347 ''' 348 # Add the frame to the data manager 349 start = time.time() 350 351 frame_data = _VideoDataItem(("FRAME",self.frame_id,frame)) 352 self._createTasksForFrame(self.frame_id) 353 self.addDataItem(frame_data) 354 last_data = _VideoDataItem(("LAST_FRAME",self.frame_id-1,False)) 355 self.addDataItem(last_data) 356 self.frame_list.append(frame_data) 357 358 # Playback the recording 359 if self.playback_shelf != None and self.playback_shelf.has_key(str(self.frame_id)): 360 data_items = self.playback_shelf[str(self.frame_id)] 361 for each in data_items: 362 if self.playback_filter==None or each.getType() in self.playback_filter: 363 self.addDataItem(each) 364 self.data_set.add((each.getKey()[0],None)) 365 self.flow[('Playback',each.getType())].add(0) 366 367 # Run any tasks that can be completed with the current data. 368 self._runTasks() 369 370 if self.recording_shelf != None: 371 self.recording_shelf.sync() 372 # Delete old data 373 #self._cleanUp() 374 375 376 stop = time.time() 377 378 # Set up for the next frame and display the results. 379 self.frame_id += 1 380 381 self.showFrames(ilog=ilog) 382 383 if self.debug_level >= 3: 384 print "TaskManager[INFO]: Frame Processing Time=%0.3fms"%(1000*(stop-start),)
386 - def addData(self,data_list):
387 ''' 388 Add additional data for this frame. The data list should contain a list tuples where each tuple of (label, data) 389 ''' 390 for each in data_list: 391 data = _VideoDataItem((each[0],self.frame_id,each[1])) 392 self.addDataItem(data) 393 self.flow[('Data Input',data.getType())].add(0) 394 self.data_set.add((data.getKey()[0],None))
395 396 397 398
399 - def addDataItem(self,data_item):
400 ''' 401 Process any new data items and associate them with tasks. 402 ''' 403 if self.recording_shelf != None: 404 frame_id = str(self.frame_id) 405 if not self.recording_shelf.has_key(frame_id): 406 self.recording_shelf[frame_id] = [] 407 if self.recording_filter == None or data_item.getType() in self.recording_filter: 408 self.recording_shelf[frame_id].append(data_item) 409 410 for task in self.task_list: 411 was_added = task.addData(data_item) 412 if was_added: 413 # Compute the dataflow 414 self.flow[(data_item.getKey()[0],task.task_id)].add(data_item.getKey()[1]-task.getFrameId())
415 416
417 - def _createTasksForFrame(self,frame_id):
418 ''' 419 This calls the task factories to create tasks for the current frame. 420 ''' 421 while self.lastFrameCreated < frame_id + self.buffer_size: 422 start = time.time() 423 count = 0 424 for factory,args,kwargs,profile,task_id in self.task_factories: 425 task = factory(self.lastFrameCreated,*args,**kwargs) 426 task.task_id=task_id 427 self.task_data[task.task_id]['class_name'] = task.__class__.__name__ 428 429 task.profile=profile 430 count += 1 431 432 if self.task_filter == None or task.__class__.__name__ in self.task_filter: 433 self.task_list += [task] 434 stop = time.time() - start 435 if self.debug_level >= 3: 436 print "TaskManager[INFO]: Created %d new tasks for frame %s. Total Tasks=%d. Time=%0.2fms"%(count,self.lastFrameCreated,len(self.task_list),stop*1000) 437 self.lastFrameCreated += 1
439 - def _runTasks(self,flush=False):
440 ''' 441 Run any tasks that have all data available. 442 ''' 443 if self.debug_level >= 3: print "TaskManager[INFO]: Running Tasks..." 444 while True: 445 start_count = len(self.task_list) 446 remaining_tasks = [] 447 for task in self.task_list: 448 if self._evaluateTask(task,flush=flush): 449 remaining_tasks.append(task) 450 self.task_list = remaining_tasks 451 if start_count == len(self.task_list): 452 break
453 454
455 - def flush(self):
456 ''' 457 Run all tasks that can be run and then finish up. The LAST_FRAME data 458 item will be set to true for the last frame inserted. 459 ''' 460 last_data = _VideoDataItem(("LAST_FRAME",self.frame_id-1,True)) 461 self.addDataItem(last_data) 462 463 self._runTasks(flush=True)
465 - def _evaluateTask(self,task,flush=False):
466 ''' 467 Attempts to run a task. This is intended to be run within a filter operation. 468 469 @returns: false if task should be deleted and true otherwise. 470 ''' 471 self.task_set.add(task.task_id) 472 473 474 should_run = False 475 476 if task.ready(): 477 should_run = True 478 elif (flush or self.frame_id - task.getFrameId() > self.buffer_size) and task.couldRun(): 479 should_run = True 480 elif (flush or self.frame_id - task.getFrameId() > self.buffer_size) and not task.couldRun(): 481 if self.debug_level >= 2: 482 print "TaskManager[WARNING]: Task %s for frame %d was not executed."%(task,task.getFrameId()) 483 task.printInfo() 484 485 # If the task is beyond the buffer, then delete it. 486 return False 487 488 # If the task is not ready then skip it for now. 489 if not should_run: 490 return True 491 492 # Run the task. 493 start = time.time() 494 495 # Start the profiler 496 if task.profile: 497 prof = cProfile.Profile() 498 prof.enable() 499 500 # RUN THE TASK 501 result = 502 503 # Stop the profiler and show that information. 504 if task.profile: 505 prof.disable() 506 print 507 print "Profiled task:",task.__class__.__name__ 508 prof.print_stats('time') 509 print 510 511 # Check that the task did return a list. 512 try: 513 len(result) 514 except: 515 raise Exception("Task did not return a valid list of data.\n Task: %s\n Data:%s"%(task,result)) 516 517 # Record the dataflow information. 518 for each in result: 519 self.flow[(task.task_id,each[0])].add(0) 520 self.data_set.add((each[0],task.subgraph)) 521 522 # Compute the dataflow 523 for i in range(len(task.collected_args)): 524 if task.collected_args[i]: 525 each = task.processed_args[i] 526 self.flow[(each.getKey()[0],task.task_id)].add(each.getKey()[1]-task.getFrameId()) 527 self.data_set.add((each.getKey()[0],task.subgraph)) 528 529 530 # Add the data to the cache. 531 for data_item in result: 532 if len(data_item) != 3: 533 raise Exception("Task returned a data item that does not have 3 elements.\n Task: %s\n Data: %s"%(task,data_item)) 534 data_item = _VideoDataItem(data_item) 535 self.addDataItem(data_item) 536 stop = time.time() - start 537 if self.debug_level >= 3: 538 print "TaskManager[INFO]: Evaluate task %s for frame %d. Time=%0.2fms"%(task,task.getFrameId(),stop*1000) 539 540 # Compute task statistics 541 if not self.task_data[task.task_id].has_key('time_sum'): 542 self.task_data[task.task_id]['time_sum'] = 0.0 543 self.task_data[task.task_id]['call_count'] = 0 544 self.task_data[task.task_id]['time_sum'] += stop 545 self.task_data[task.task_id]['call_count'] += 1 546 self.task_data[task.task_id]['color'] = task.color 547 self.task_data[task.task_id]['subgraph'] = task.subgraph 548 549 # Return false so that the task is deleted. 550 return False
551 552
553 - def _remainingTasksForFrame(self,frame_id):
554 ''' 555 @returns: the number of tasks that need to be run for this frame. 556 ''' 557 count = 0 558 for task in self.task_list: 559 if task.getFrameId() == frame_id: 560 count += 1 561 return count
562 563 # TODO: I don't really like how show frames works. I would like display of frames to be optional or maybe handled outside of this class. How should this work.
564 - def showFrames(self,ilog=None):
565 ''' 566 Show any frames with no remaining tasks. 567 ''' 568 while len(self.frame_list) > 0: 569 frame_data = self.frame_list[0] 570 frame_id = frame_data.getFrameId() 571 frame = frame_data.getData() 572 task_count = self._remainingTasksForFrame(frame_id) 573 # If the frame is complete then show it. 574 if task_count == 0: 575 if 576 577 if ilog != None: 578 ilog(frame,ext='jpg') 579 del self.frame_list[0] 580 else: 581 break
583 - def recordingFile(self,filename):
584 ''' 585 Set up an output file for recording. 586 ''' 587 assert self.playback_shelf == None 588 self.recording_shelf =, flag='n', protocol=2, writeback=True)
590 - def playbackFile(self,filename,cache=False):
591 ''' 592 Set up an input file for playback. 593 ''' 594 assert self.recording_shelf == None 595 self.playback_shelf =, flag='r', protocol=2, writeback=False)
597 - def recordingFilter(self,data_types):
598 ''' 599 Only recorded data_types in the list. 600 ''' 601 self.recording_filter = set(data_types)
603 - def taskFilter(self,task_types):
604 ''' 605 Only generate tasks in the list. 606 ''' 607 self.task_filter = set(task_types)
609 - def playbackFilter(self,data_types):
610 ''' 611 Only playback data_types in the list. 612 ''' 613 self.playback_filter = set(data_types)
615 - def asGraph(self,as_image=False):
616 ''' 617 This uses runtime analysis to create a dataflow graph for this VTM. 618 ''' 619 import pydot 620 import pyvision as pv 621 import PIL.Image 622 from cStringIO import StringIO 623 624 def formatNum(n): 625 ''' 626 This formats frame offsets correctly: -1,0,+1 627 ''' 628 if n == 0: 629 return '0' 630 else: 631 return "%+d"%n
632 633 def record_strings(my_list): 634 return '{''}'
635 636 # Create the graph. 637 graph = pydot.Dot(graph_type='digraph',nodesep=.3,ranksep=.5) 638 graph.add_node(pydot.Node("Data Input",shape='invhouse',style='filled',fillcolor='#ffCC99')) 639 graph.add_node(pydot.Node("Video Input",shape='invhouse',style='filled',fillcolor='#ffCC99')) 640 graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge("Video Input","FRAME")) 641 graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge("Video Input","LAST_FRAME")) 642 643 if self.playback_shelf != None: 644 graph.add_node(pydot.Node("Playback",shape='invhouse',style='filled',fillcolor='#ffCC99')) 645 646 subgraphs = {None:graph} 647 648 # Add task nodes 649 for each in self.task_set: 650 if self.task_data[each].has_key('call_count'): 651 class_name = self.task_data[each]['class_name'] 652 call_count = self.task_data[each]['call_count'] 653 mean_time = self.task_data[each]['time_sum']/call_count 654 node_label = "{" + " | ".join([class_name, 655 "Time=%0.2fms"%(mean_time*1000.0,), 656 "Calls=%d"%(call_count,), 657 ]) + "}" 658 color = '#99CC99' 659 print each, self.task_data[each] 660 if self.task_data[each]['color'] is not None: 661 color = self.task_data[each]['color'] 662 subgraph = self.task_data[each]['subgraph'] 663 subgraph_name = subgraph 664 if subgraph_name != None: 665 subgraph_name = "_".join(subgraph.split()) 666 if not subgraphs.has_key(subgraph): 667 print "adding subgraph",subgraph 668 subgraphs[subgraph_name] = pydot.Cluster(subgraph_name,label=subgraph,shape='box',style='filled',fillcolor='#DDDDDD',nodesep=1.0) 669 subgraphs[None].add_subgraph(subgraphs[subgraph_name]) 670 print "adding node",each,subgraph 671 subgraphs[subgraph_name].add_node(pydot.Node(each,label=node_label,shape='record',style='filled',fillcolor=color)) 672 else: 673 # The task node was never executed 674 call_count = 0 675 mean_time = -1 676 class_name = self.task_data[each]['class_name'] 677 node_label = "{" + " | ".join([class_name, 678 "Time=%0.2fms"%(mean_time*1000.0,), 679 "Calls=%d"%(call_count,), 680 ]) + "}" 681 graph.add_node(pydot.Node(each,label=node_label,shape='record',style='filled',fillcolor='#CC3333')) 682 683 # Add Data Nodes 684 for each,subgraph in self.data_set: 685 subgraph_name = subgraph 686 if subgraph_name != None: 687 subgraph_name = "_".join(subgraph.split()) 688 subgraphs[subgraph_name].add_node(pydot.Node(each,shape='box',style='rounded, filled',fillcolor='#9999ff')) 689 690 # Add edges. 691 for each,offsets in self.flow.iteritems(): 692 offsets = list(offsets) 693 if len(offsets) == 1 and list(offsets)[0] == 0: 694 graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(each[0],each[1])) 695 else: 696 offsets = formatOffsets(offsets) 697 graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(each[0],each[1],label=offsets,label_scheme=2,labeldistance=2,labelfloat=False)) 698 699 # Create a pv.Image containing the graph. 700 if as_image: 701 data = graph.create_png() 702 f = StringIO(data) 703 im = pv.Image( 704 return im 705 return graph 706
707 -def formatGroup(group):
708 try: 709 if len(group) > 3: 710 return formatGroup(group[:1])+"..."+formatGroup(group[-1:]) 711 except: 712 pass 713 return ",".join(["%+d"%each for each in group])
715 -def groupOffsets(offsets):
716 offsets.sort() 717 group = [] 718 groups = [group] 719 for each in offsets: 720 if len(group) == 0 or each == group[-1]+1: 721 group.append(each) 722 else: 723 group = [each] 724 groups.append(group) 725 726 727 return groups
729 -def formatOffsets(offsets):
730 groups = groupOffsets(offsets) 731 out = "("+ ",".join([formatGroup(each) for each in groups]) + ")" 732 return out
733 734 if __name__ == '__main__': 735 offsets = [-3,-2,-1,0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,15,20,21,22,23,-21,-22,56,57] 736 offsets.sort() 737 738 print offsets 739 groups = groupOffsets(offsets) 740 print groups 741 print ",".join([formatGroup(each) for each in groups]) 742