Package pyvision :: Package beta
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Package beta

source code

This package contains "beta" code that is not quite ready to de included in the main pyvision distribution. The package consists of a set of "install" commands that add functionality to the pyvision namespace. This is to allow easy access to new classes and methods while under development and to make it easy to update code when that funtionality gets added to the main library. These install functions will be deleted without notice when the code is include in pyvision.

For example, the video task manager can be installed like this:

import pyvision as pv pv.beta.installVideoTaskManager() pv.VideoTaskMangager()

When the interface for the video task manager is finalized and it is added to the main library the install command will be deleted from the beta package and any external code that was using the beta code can just delete the insall command. The rest of the external code should run little or no modification.

Created Jan 27, 2012

Author: bolme

Submodules [hide private]

Functions [hide private]
Install the video task manager beta code into the pyvision namespace.
source code
Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'pyvision.beta'