Package pyvision :: Package analysis :: Package FaceAnalysis :: Module FaceDetectionTest :: Class FaceDetectionTest
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[frames] | no frames]

Class FaceDetectionTest

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Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, name=None, threshold=0.25)
Create a face detection test.
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addSample(self, truth_rects, detected_rects, im=None, annotate=False)
Adds a sample to face detection test.
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Summary of a test as a table.
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One line summary of the test
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, name=None, threshold=0.25)

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Create a face detection test.


  • name - Label for the test.
  • threshold - The fraction of joint area that counts as success.

addSample(self, truth_rects, detected_rects, im=None, annotate=False)

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Adds a sample to face detection test.

  • truth_rects - truth for an image.
  • detected_rects - output of the detector
  • im - the image or filename to assciate with the sample.
  • annotate - add diagnostic annotations to the images.