Package pyvision :: Package analysis :: Package FaceAnalysis :: Module FaceDetectionTest
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Module FaceDetectionTest

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Classes [hide private]
Functions [hide private]
face_from_eyes(eye1, eye2)
Given eye coordinates estimate the face rectangle Assumes the face is reasonably horizontal.
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is_success(truth_rect, detected_rect, threshhold=0.25)
This code takes a truth rect and a detected rect and determines if the detection is a success or a failure.
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overlap_score(truth_rect, detected_rect)
This code takes a truth rect and a detected rect and determines if the detection is a success or a failure.
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Create a summary table for a list containing FaceDetectionTest objects.
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Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'pyvision.analysis.FaceAnalysis'
Function Details [hide private]

is_success(truth_rect, detected_rect, threshhold=0.25)

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This code takes a truth rect and a detected rect and determines if the detection is a success or a failure. The default behavior is true if the intersection of the two rects is has 50% of the area of the larger rectangle.

overlap_score(truth_rect, detected_rect)

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This code takes a truth rect and a detected rect and determines if the detection is a success or a failure. The default behavior is true if the intersection of the two rects is has 50% of the area of the larger rectangle.