Package pyvision :: Package util :: Module fast_util
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Source Code for Module pyvision.util.fast_util

  1  import numpy as np 
  2  from scipy import weave 
5 -class LocalMaximumDetector:
6 - def __init__(self,max_length=1000000):
7 self.max_length = max_length 8 self.maxes = np.zeros((max_length,2), 9 self.vals = np.zeros((max_length,),dtype=np.float)
11 - def __call__(self, mat, threshold = None, sort_results = True):
12 ''' 13 All any local maximum that are greater than threshhold up to a total of 14 max_length. 15 16 To save time arrays that hold the maxes and vals that are created 17 once and reused for each call. This means that local maximum detection 18 is not thread safe. If using this class with threads create an instance 19 for each thread. 20 21 @param mat: 2d Real Matrix input. 22 @param threshold: Mininum value of local maxima. 23 @param sort_results: set to False to save time and return an unorderd list. 24 25 @returns: maxes,vals 26 ''' 27 maxes = self.maxes 28 vals = self.vals 29 r,c = mat.shape 30 max_length = self.max_length 31 32 if threshold != None: 33 count = weave.inline( 34 ''' 35 int count = 0; 36 37 for( int i = 1; i < r-1 ; i++){ 38 for(int j = 1; j < c-1 ; j++){ 39 // Check if the current location meets the threshold 40 41 if (mat(i,j) > threshold && 42 mat(i,j) > mat(i,j-1) && 43 mat(i,j) > mat(i,j+1) && 44 mat(i,j) > mat(i-1,j-1) && 45 mat(i,j) > mat(i-1,j) && 46 mat(i,j) > mat(i-1,j+1) && 47 mat(i,j) > mat(i+1,j-1) && 48 mat(i,j) > mat(i+1,j) && 49 mat(i,j) > mat(i+1,j+1)){ 50 51 // This is a local max 52 maxes(count,0) = i; 53 maxes(count,1) = j; 54 vals(count) = mat(i,j); 55 count += 1; 56 57 if(count == max_length){ 58 i = r; 59 j = c; 60 } 61 } 62 } 63 } 64 65 return_val = count; 66 ''', 67 arg_names=['mat','maxes','vals','max_length','threshold','r','c'], 68 type_converters=weave.converters.blitz, 69 ) 70 else: 71 count = weave.inline( 72 ''' 73 int count = 0; 74 75 for( int i = 1; i < r-1 ; i++){ 76 for(int j = 1; j < c-1 ; j++){ 77 // Check if the current location meets the threshold 78 79 if (mat(i,j) > mat(i,j-1) && 80 mat(i,j) > mat(i,j+1) && 81 mat(i,j) > mat(i-1,j-1) && 82 mat(i,j) > mat(i-1,j) && 83 mat(i,j) > mat(i-1,j+1) && 84 mat(i,j) > mat(i+1,j-1) && 85 mat(i,j) > mat(i+1,j) && 86 mat(i,j) > mat(i+1,j+1)){ 87 88 // This is a local max 89 maxes(count,0) = i; 90 maxes(count,1) = j; 91 vals(count) = mat(i,j); 92 count += 1; 93 94 if(count == max_length){ 95 i = r; 96 j = c; 97 } 98 } 99 } 100 } 101 102 return_val = count; 103 ''', 104 arg_names=['mat','maxes','vals','max_length','r','c'], 105 type_converters=weave.converters.blitz, 106 ) 107 108 if sort_results == False: 109 return maxes[:count,:].copy(),vals[:count].copy() 110 111 order = np.argsort(vals[:count])[::-1] 112 maxes = maxes[order] 113 vals = vals[order] 114 115 #print vals 116 #print maxes 117 118 return maxes,vals