Package pyvision :: Package types :: Module img :: Class Image
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Class Image

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The primary purpose of the image class is to provide a structure that can transform an image back and fourth for different python libraries such as PIL, OpenCV, and Scipy Images. This class also allows some simple operations on the image such as annotation.

Note: When working with images in matrix format, they are transposed such that x = col and y = row. You can therefore still work with coords such that im[x,y] = mat[x,y]. #

Images have the following attributes:

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, data, bw_annotate=False)
Create an image from a file or a PIL Image, OpenCV Image, or numpy array.
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Returns: a gray-scale version of this pyvision image
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Returns: the gray-scale image data as a two dimensional numpy array
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Returns: color image data as a 3D array with shape (3(rgb),w,h)
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Returns: image data as a pil image
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Returns: the image data in an OpenCV format
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Returns: the image data in an OpenCV format that is a numpy array of shape (h,w,3) of uint8
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Returns: the image data in an OpenCV format that is a numpy array of shape (h,w,1) of uint8
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Returns: the image data in an OpenCV one channel format
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asThermal(self, clip_negative=False)
Returns: a thermal colored representation of this image.
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asAnnotated(self, as_type='PIL')
Returns: the PIL image used for annotation.
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Returns: an OpenCV HSV encoded image
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Returns: an OpenCV LAB encoded image
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getExif(self, output='simple')
This function returns the exif headers for an image.
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annotateRect(self, rect, color='red', fill_color=None, alpha=1.0)
Draws a rectangle on the annotation image
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annotateImage(self, im, rect, color='red', fill_color=None)
Draws an image
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annotateThickRect(self, rect, color='red', width=5)
Draws a rectangle on the annotation image
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annotateEllipse(self, rect, color='red')
Draws an ellipse on the annotation image
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annotateLine(self, point1, point2, color='red', width=1)
Draws a line from point1 to point2 on the annotation image
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annotateLines(self, points, color='red', width=1)
Draws a line from point1 to point2 on the annotation image
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annotateMask(self, mask, color='red')
Shades the contents of a mask.
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annotatePolygon(self, points, color='red', width=1, fill=None)
Draws a line from point1 to point2 on the annotation image
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annotatePoint(self, point, color='red')
Marks a point in the annotation image using a small circle
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annotatePoints(self, points, color='red')
Marks a point in the annotation image using a small circle
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annotateCircle(self, point, radius=3, color='red', fill=None)
Marks a circle in the annotation image
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annotateArc(self, point, radius=3, startangle=0, endangle=360, color='red')
Draws a circular arc on the image.
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annotateLabel(self, point, label, color='red', mark=False, font=None, background=None)
Marks a point in the image with text
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annotateDot(self, point, color='red')
Like annotatePoint but only draws a point on the given pixel.
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TODO: Deprecated remove this sometime.
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Return the type of the image.
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Equalize and normalize the image.
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equalize(self, bw=True)
Equalize the image
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Create a matrix version of the image.
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Create a matrix version of the image.
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Create a PIL version of the image
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Create a color opencv representation of the image.
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Create a matrix version of the image compatible with OpenCV 2 (cv2) in BGR format.
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Create a matrix version of the image compatible with OpenCV 2 (cv2) in BGR format.
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toBufferGray(self, depth)
Returns: the image data as a binary python string.
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toBufferRGB(self, depth)
returns the image data as a binary python string.
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toBufferRGBA(self, depth)
returns the image data as a binary python string.
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thumbnail(self, newSize)
Returns a resized version of the image that fits in new_size but preserves the aspect ratio.
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resize(self, newSize, **kwargs)
Returns a resized version of the image.
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scale(self, scale)
Returns a scaled version of the image.
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Returns a new pv.Image which is a copy of (only) the current image.
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crop(self, rect, size=None, interpolation=None, return_affine=False)
Crops an image to the given rectangle.
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save(self, filename, annotations=False)
Save the image to a file.
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show(self, window=None, pos=None, delay=0, size=None)
Displays the annotated version of the image using OpenCV highgui
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__repr__(self) source code
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, data, bw_annotate=False)

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Create an image from a file or a PIL Image, OpenCV Image, or numpy array.

  • data - this can be a numpy array, PIL image, or opencv image.
  • bw_annotate - generate a black and white image to make color annotations show up better
an Image object instance


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a gray-scale version of this pyvision image


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the gray-scale image data as a two dimensional numpy array


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color image data as a 3D array with shape (3(rgb),w,h)


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image data as a pil image


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the image data in an OpenCV format


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the image data in an OpenCV format that is a numpy array of shape (h,w,3) of uint8


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the image data in an OpenCV format that is a numpy array of shape (h,w,1) of uint8


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the image data in an OpenCV one channel format

asThermal(self, clip_negative=False)

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a thermal colored representation of this image.

asAnnotated(self, as_type='PIL')

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  • as_type - Specify either "PIL" or "PV". If "PIL" (default) then the return type is a PIL image. If "PV", then the return type is a pyvision image, where the annotations have been 'flattened' onto the original source image.
the PIL image used for annotation.


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an OpenCV HSV encoded image


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an OpenCV LAB encoded image

getExif(self, output='simple')

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This function returns the exif headers for an image. This only works for images that have been read from disk.

  • output - select 'simple' or 'full'. 'full' output contains additional metadata.
a dictionary of EXIF data.

annotateRect(self, rect, color='red', fill_color=None, alpha=1.0)

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Draws a rectangle on the annotation image

  • rect - a rectangle of type Rect
  • color - defined as ('#rrggbb' or 'name')
  • fill_color - defined as per color, but indicates the color used to fill the rectangle. Specify None for no fill.
  • alpha - Ignored if no fill. Otherwise, this value controls how opaque the fill is. Specify 1.0 (default) for a fully opaque fill, or 0.0 for fully transparent. A value of 0.3, for example, would show a partially transparent filled rectangle over the background image.

annotateImage(self, im, rect, color='red', fill_color=None)

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Draws an image

  • im - the image to render
  • rect - a rectangle of type Rect
  • color - defined as ('#rrggbb' or 'name')
  • fill_color - defined as per color, but indicates the color used to fill the rectangle. Specify None for no fill.

annotateThickRect(self, rect, color='red', width=5)

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Draws a rectangle on the annotation image

  • rect - a rectangle of type Rect
  • color - defined as ('#rrggbb' or 'name')

annotateEllipse(self, rect, color='red')

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Draws an ellipse on the annotation image

  • rect - the bounding box of the elipse of type Rect
  • color - defined as ('#rrggbb' or 'name')

annotateLine(self, point1, point2, color='red', width=1)

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Draws a line from point1 to point2 on the annotation image

  • point1 - the starting point as type Point
  • point2 - the ending point as type Point
  • color - defined as ('#rrggbb' or 'name')

annotateLines(self, points, color='red', width=1)

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Draws a line from point1 to point2 on the annotation image

  • point1 - the starting point as type Point
  • point2 - the ending point as type Point
  • color - defined as ('#rrggbb' or 'name')

annotateMask(self, mask, color='red')

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Shades the contents of a mask.

  • mask - a numpy array showing the mask.
  • color - defined as ('#rrggbb' or 'name')

annotatePolygon(self, points, color='red', width=1, fill=None)

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Draws a line from point1 to point2 on the annotation image

  • points - a list of pv points to be plotted
  • color - defined as ('#rrggbb' or 'name')
  • width - the line width

annotatePoint(self, point, color='red')

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Marks a point in the annotation image using a small circle

  • point - the point to mark as type Point
  • color - defined as ('#rrggbb' or 'name')

annotatePoints(self, points, color='red')

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Marks a point in the annotation image using a small circle

  • point - the point to mark as type Point
  • color - defined as ('#rrggbb' or 'name')

annotateCircle(self, point, radius=3, color='red', fill=None)

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Marks a circle in the annotation image

  • point - the center of the circle as type Point
  • radius - the radius of the circle
  • color - defined as ('#rrggbb' or 'name')

annotateArc(self, point, radius=3, startangle=0, endangle=360, color='red')

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Draws a circular arc on the image.

  • point - the center of the circle as type Point
  • radius - the radius of the circle
  • startangle - the starting angle of the arc segment to be drawn, in degrees
  • endangle - the ending angle in degrees. Arc will be drawn clockwise from starting angle to ending angle.
  • color - defined as ('#rrggbb' or 'name')

annotateLabel(self, point, label, color='red', mark=False, font=None, background=None)

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Marks a point in the image with text

  • point - the point to mark as type Point
  • label - the text to use as a string
  • color - defined as ('#rrggbb' or 'name')
  • mark - of True or ['right', 'left', 'below', or 'above','centered'] then also mark the point with a small circle
  • font - An optional PIL.ImageFont font object to use. Alternatively, specify an integer and the label will use Arial font of that size. If None, then the default is used.
  • background - An optional color that will be used to draw a rectangular background underneath the text.

annotateDot(self, point, color='red')

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Like annotatePoint but only draws a point on the given pixel. This is useful to avoid clutter if many points are being annotated.

  • point - the point to mark as type Point
  • color - defined as ('#rrggbb' or 'name')


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Create a color opencv representation of the image. TODO: The OpenCV databuffer seems to be automatically swapped from RGB to BGR. This is counter intuitive.

toBufferGray(self, depth)

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  • depth - Use 8, 32, or 64, to specify the bit depth of the pixels.
the image data as a binary python string.

toBufferRGBA(self, depth)

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returns the image data as a binary python string. TODO: Not yet implemented

thumbnail(self, newSize)

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Returns a resized version of the image that fits in new_size but preserves the aspect ratio.

  • newSize - tuple (new_width, new_height)
a new pyvision image that is the resized version of this image.

resize(self, newSize, **kwargs)

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Returns a resized version of the image. This is a convenience function. For more control, look at the Affine class for arbitrary transformations.

  • newSize - tuple (new_width, new_height)
a new pyvision image that is the resized version of this image.

scale(self, scale)

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Returns a scaled version of the image. This is a convenience function. For more control, look at the Affine class for arbitrary transformations.

  • scale - a float indicating the scale factor
a new pyvision image that is the scaled version of this image.


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Returns a new pv.Image which is a copy of (only) the current image. Other internal data stored by the current pv.Image will NOT be copied. This method uses cv.CloneImage so that the underlying image data will be disconnected from the original data. (Deep copy)

crop(self, rect, size=None, interpolation=None, return_affine=False)

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Crops an image to the given rectangle. Rectangle parameters are rounded to nearest integer values. High quality resampling. The default behavior is to use cv.GetSubRect to crop the image. This returns a slice the OpenCV image so modifying the resulting image data will also modify the data in this image. If a size is provide a new OpenCV image is created for that size and cv.Resize is used to copy the image data. If the bounds of the rectangle are outside the image, an affine transform (pv.AffineFromRect) is used to produce the croped image to properly handle regions outside the image. In this case the downsampling quality may not be as good. #

  • rect - a Rectangle defining the region to be cropped.
  • size - a new size for the returned image. If None the result is not resized.
  • interpolation - None = Autoselect or one of CV_INTER_AREA, CV_INTER_NN, CV_INTER_LINEAR, CV_INTER_BICUBIC
  • return_affine - If True, also return an affine transform that can be used to transform points.
Returns: pv.Image
a cropped version of the image or if return affine a tuple of (image,affine)

save(self, filename, annotations=False)

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Save the image to a file. This is performed by converting to PIL and then saving to a file based on on the extension.

show(self, window=None, pos=None, delay=0, size=None)

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Displays the annotated version of the image using OpenCV highgui

  • window - the name of the highgui window to use, if one already exists by this name, or it will create a new highgui window with this name.
  • pos - if a new window is being created, the (x,y) coordinate for the new window
  • delay - A delay in milliseconds to wait for keyboard input (passed to cv.WaitKey). 0 delays indefinitely, 30 is good for presenting a series of images like a video. For performance reasons, namely when using the same window to display successive frames of video, we don't want to tear-down and re-create the window each time. Thus the window frame will persist beyond the scope of the call to The window will disappear after the program exits, or it can be destroyed with a call to cv.DestroyWindow.
  • size - Optional output size for image, None=native size.
the return value of the cv.WaitKey call.