Package pyvision :: Package tools :: Module sigset_remove_missing
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Module sigset_remove_missing

source code

Created on Jan 14, 2011

Author: bolme

Convert a simple sigset into a comma sep value file. Does not currently support complex sigests.

Functions [hide private]
This section parses the basename without file extensions from the path.
source code
locateFiles(sigset, imdir)
This function scans the image directories for the files listed in the sigset.
source code
parseOptions() source code
Variables [hide private]
  IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = set(['.BMP', '.GIF', '.JPEG', '.JPG', '.PGM...
  __package__ = ''
Function Details [hide private]


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This section parses the basename without file extensions from the path.

@returns basename from /path/to/file/basename.eee

locateFiles(sigset, imdir)

source code 

This function scans the image directories for the files listed in the sigset. If using the reduced image format, the images should be named using the recording ID with a standard image extension such as "jpg". Otherwise, the directories are scanned for images matching the basename of the filename. This means that the paths in the sigset do not have to be specified accuratly but problems do arise if multiple copies of an image are in the image directory.

Variables Details [hide private]

