Package pyvision :: Package surveillance :: Module VideoStreamProcessor :: Class PeopleDetectionVSP
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class PeopleDetectionVSP

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AbstractVSP --+

This Video Stream Processor applies the OpenCV HOG people detector to each frame of video, annotating the detections with red rectangles.

Instance Methods [hide private]
_onNewFrame(self, img, fn, **kwargs)
Override this abstract method with the processing your object performs on a per-frame basis.
source code
_detectPeople(self, img) source code

Inherited from AbstractVSP: __call__, __init__

Method Details [hide private]

_onNewFrame(self, img, fn, **kwargs)

source code 

Override this abstract method with the processing your object performs on a per-frame basis. It is recommended that you do not directly call this method. Rather, the VSP is a callable object, and so the __call__ method takes care of invoking this method as well as calling the next module, if any.

Overrides: AbstractVSP._onNewFrame
(inherited documentation)