Package pyvision :: Package surveillance :: Module VideoStreamProcessor :: Class MotionDetectionVSP
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Class MotionDetectionVSP

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AbstractVSP --+

This VSP uses an existing motion detection object to apply motion detection to each frame of video.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, md_object, window='Motion Detection', nextModule=None)
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_onNewFrame(self, img, fn, **kwargs)
Performs motion detection using this object's md object, displays the foreground pixels to a window.
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Inherited from AbstractVSP: __call__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, md_object, window='Motion Detection', nextModule=None)

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  • md_object - The pyvision motion detection object to be used by this VSP
  • window - The name of the output window. Use None to suppress output.
  • nextModule - The next VSP, if any, to be called by this VSP.
Overrides: AbstractVSP.__init__

_onNewFrame(self, img, fn, **kwargs)

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Performs motion detection using this object's md object, displays the foreground pixels to a window.

Overrides: AbstractVSP._onNewFrame