Package pyvision :: Package surveillance :: Module VideoStreamProcessor :: Class FrameSkipperVSP
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[frames] | no frames]

Class FrameSkipperVSP

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AbstractVSP --+

This is a video stream processor that is used to skip every k frames in a source video. You might put this vsp as the first step in processing if you need to adjust a 60fps video, for example, to skip every other frame so that downstream processing sees 30fps input.

Downstream modules will see a renumbered video stream. For example, if every-other frame was being skipped, the nextModule would still see its frame number input as 0,1,2,3,... even though in reality it is receiving frames 0,2,4,... from the source video.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, skip_param=0, nextModule=None)
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_onNewFrame(self, img, fn, **kwargs)
Override this abstract method with the processing your object performs on a per-frame basis.
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Inherited from AbstractVSP: __call__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, skip_param=0, nextModule=None)

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  • skip_param - If 0, then no frames are skipped. Otherwise a frame is skipped if (frame_number + 1) modulo skip_param == 0. For example, with skip_param of 2, then frames 1,3,5,7,... will be dropped.
Overrides: AbstractVSP.__init__

_onNewFrame(self, img, fn, **kwargs)

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Override this abstract method with the processing your object performs on a per-frame basis. It is recommended that you do not directly call this method. Rather, the VSP is a callable object, and so the __call__ method takes care of invoking this method as well as calling the next module, if any.

Overrides: AbstractVSP._onNewFrame
(inherited documentation)