Package pyvision :: Package point :: Module PhaseCorrelation
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Module PhaseCorrelation

source code

Version: $Rev: 625 $

Author: $Author: bolme $

Copyright: Copyright 2006 David S Bolme

Classes [hide private]
Functions [hide private]
PhaseCorrelation(tile1, tile2, phase_only=True, ilog=None)
Uses phase correlation to estimate the best integer displacement to align the images.
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QuadradicEstimation(pc, max_point)
Estimate the subpixel displacement based on fitting a quadradic surface to area surrounding the max point.
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Variables [hide private]
  __info__ = '$Id: 625 2008-03-24 20:24:37Z ...
  __package__ = 'pyvision.point'
Function Details [hide private]

PhaseCorrelation(tile1, tile2, phase_only=True, ilog=None)

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Uses phase correlation to estimate the best integer displacement to align the images. Also fits a quadradic to the correltaion surface to determine a sub pixel estimate of displacement.

Returns four values as a tuple: max_corr, max_displacement, est_corr, est_displacement max_corr - maximum correlation value. max_displacement - displacement needed to obtain the maximum correlation. (full pixel) est_corr - estimated corelation value if subpixel displacement is used. est_displacement - estimated displacement (subpixel)


QuadradicEstimation(pc, max_point)

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Estimate the subpixel displacement based on fitting a quadradic surface to area surrounding the max point.

returns the estimated power spectrum at the subpixel point, and the displacement.

Variables Details [hide private]


'$Id: 625 2008-03-24 20:24:37Z bolme $'