Package pyvision :: Package point :: Module GaborJets :: Class FilterBank
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Class FilterBank

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This class uses the FFT to quickly compute corelations and convolutions for an image. The algorithm precomputes the filters in frequency space and uses only one FFT to to transform the image into frequency space.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, tile_size=(128, 128), window=None, preprocess=None) source code
addFilter(self, f, recenter=False)
f can be a function f(x,y) is defined over x = (-w/2, w/2] and y = (-h/2,h/2] and should be centered on the coord 0,0.
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convolve(self, im, ilog=None) source code
Method Details [hide private]

addFilter(self, f, recenter=False)

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f can be a function f(x,y) is defined over x = (-w/2, w/2] and y = (-h/2,h/2] and should be centered on the coord 0,0.

TODO: At some point this function should be expanded to take filters represented by arrays.