Package pyvision :: Package other :: Module testsuite
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Source Code for Module pyvision.other.testsuite

  1  ''' 
  2  Created on Jul 1, 2009 
  4  This module contains tests for the face recognition algorithms. 
  6  @author: bolme 
  7  ''' 
  9  import unittest 
 11  import pyvision as pv 
 12  import numpy as np 
 13  #from optic_flow import * 
 14  #from distance import * 
 15  #import cv 
 17  import os.path 
19 -class _TestNormalize(unittest.TestCase):
21 - def setUp(self):
22 # Eye coordinates generated automatically 23 #leye = pv.Point(250.336538,174.074519) 24 #reye = pv.Point(343.828125,180.042067) 25 26 fname = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','misc','lena.jpg') 27 im = pv.Image(fname,bw_annotate=True) 28 29 #affine = pv.AffineFromPoints(leye,reye,pv.Point(48.0,64.0),pv.Point(144.0,64.0),(192,192)) 30 31 self.tile = im
33 - def test_1_meanStd(self):
34 '''meanStd Normalization: norm.mean() = 0.0 and norm.std() = 1.0....''' 35 ilog = None 36 if 'ilog' in globals().keys(): 37 ilog = globals()['ilog'] 38 39 norm = pv.meanStd(self.tile) 40 41 if ilog != None: 42 ilog.log(norm,label="meanStd_Normalization") 43 44 mat = norm.asMatrix2D() 45 self.assertAlmostEqual(mat.mean(),0.0,places=3) 46 self.assertAlmostEqual(mat.std(),1.0,places=3)
48 - def test_2_meanUnit(self):
49 '''meanUnit Normalization: norm.mean() = 0.0 and ||norm|| = 1.0....''' 50 ilog = None 51 if 'ilog' in globals().keys(): 52 ilog = globals()['ilog'] 53 54 norm = pv.meanUnit(self.tile) 55 56 if ilog != None: 57 ilog.log(norm,label="meanUnit_Normalization") 58 59 mat = norm.asMatrix2D() 60 self.assertAlmostEqual(mat.mean(),0.0) 61 length = np.sqrt((mat**2).sum()) 62 self.assertAlmostEqual(length,1.0,places=4)
64 - def test_3_unit(self):
65 '''unit Normalization: ||norm|| = 1.0 and dot(norm,im)/||im|| = 1.0.''' 66 ilog = None 67 if 'ilog' in globals().keys(): 68 ilog = globals()['ilog'] 69 70 norm = pv.unit(self.tile) 71 72 if ilog != None: 73 ilog.log(norm,label="unit_Normalization") 74 75 mat = norm.asMatrix2D() 76 length = np.sqrt((mat**2).sum()) 77 self.assertAlmostEqual(length,1.0,places=3) 78 79 mat = norm.asMatrix2D() 80 mat = mat.flatten() 81 im = self.tile.asMatrix2D().flatten() 82 proj =,im) 83 length = np.sqrt((im**2).sum()) 84 self.assertAlmostEqual(proj/length,1.0,places=3)
86 - def test_4_bandPass(self):
87 '''bandPassFilter Normalization: ...................................''' 88 ilog = None 89 if 'ilog' in globals().keys(): 90 ilog = globals()['ilog'] 91 92 norm = pv.bandPassFilter(self.tile,10.0,4.0) 93 94 if ilog != None: 95 ilog.log(norm,label="bandPass_Normalization") 96 97 mat = norm.asMatrix2D() 98 self.assertAlmostEqual(mat.mean(),0.0,places=4) 99 self.assertAlmostEqual(mat.std(),12.090113839874826,places=3)
101 - def test_5_lowPass(self):
102 '''lowPassFilter Normalization: ....................................''' 103 ilog = None 104 if 'ilog' in globals().keys(): 105 ilog = globals()['ilog'] 106 107 norm = pv.lowPassFilter(self.tile,10.0) 108 109 if ilog != None: 110 ilog.log(norm,label="lowPass_Normalization") 111 112 mat = norm.asMatrix2D() 113 self.assertAlmostEqual(mat.mean(),123.69997406005859,places=3) 114 self.assertAlmostEqual(mat.std(),36.886999835117216,places=3)
116 - def test_6_highPass(self):
117 '''highPassFilter Normalization: ...................................''' 118 ilog = None 119 if 'ilog' in globals().keys(): 120 ilog = globals()['ilog'] 121 122 norm = pv.highPassFilter(self.tile,10.0) 123 124 if ilog != None: 125 ilog.log(norm,label="highPass_Normalization") 126 127 mat = norm.asMatrix2D() 128 self.assertAlmostEqual(mat.mean(),0.0,places=4) 129 self.assertAlmostEqual(mat.std(),22.936873341661158,places=3)
131 - def test_7_veryHighPass(self):
132 '''highPassFilter Normalization: sigma = 1.5........................''' 133 ilog = None 134 if 'ilog' in globals().keys(): 135 ilog = globals()['ilog'] 136 137 # This setting corsponds to the default gaussian in selfQuotient 138 norm = pv.highPassFilter(self.tile,1.5) 139 140 if ilog != None: 141 ilog.log(norm,label="veryHighPass_Normalization") 142 143 mat = norm.asMatrix2D() 144 self.assertAlmostEqual(mat.mean(),0.0,places=4) 145 self.assertAlmostEqual(mat.std(),8.0027218003238687,places=3)
147 - def test_8_selfQuotient(self):
148 '''selfQuotient Normalization: .....................................''' 149 ilog = None 150 if 'ilog' in globals().keys(): 151 ilog = globals()['ilog'] 152 153 norm = pv.selfQuotientImage(self.tile) 154 155 if ilog != None: 156 ilog.log(norm,label="selfQuotient_Normalization") 157 158 mat = norm.asMatrix2D() 159 self.assertAlmostEqual(mat.mean(),0.98861616849899292,places=3) 160 self.assertAlmostEqual(mat.std(),0.1647989569275968,places=3)
161 162 163
164 -class _TestSURF(unittest.TestCase):
166 - def test_1_SURF(self):
167 '''SURF Lena: ......................................................''' 168 ilog = None 169 if 'ilog' in globals().keys(): 170 ilog = globals()['ilog'] 171 172 filename = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','misc','lena.jpg') 173 im = pv.Image(filename) 174 timer = pv.Timer() 175 keypoints,descriptors = 176 timer.mark("LenaSurf") 177 if ilog != None: 178 ilog(timer,"SURFLena") 179 for each in keypoints: 180 im.annotateCircle(pv.Point(each[0][0],each[0][1]), each[2]) 181 if ilog != None: 182 ilog(im,'SurfKeypoints') 183 184 self.assertEqual(len(keypoints),len(descriptors)) 185 self.assertEqual(len(keypoints),774)
186 #print descriptors 187 188
189 - def test_2_SURF(self):
190 '''SURF Taz: .......................................................''' 191 ilog = None 192 if 'ilog' in globals().keys(): 193 ilog = globals()['ilog'] 194 195 filename = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','test','TAZ_0010.jpg') 196 im = pv.Image(filename) 197 timer = pv.Timer() 198 keypoints,descriptors = 199 timer.mark("TazSurf") 200 if ilog != None: 201 ilog(timer,"SURFTaz") 202 for each in keypoints: 203 im.annotateCircle(pv.Point(each[0][0],each[0][1]), each[2]) 204 if ilog != None: 205 ilog(im,'SurfKeypoints') 206 207 self.assertEqual(len(keypoints),len(descriptors)) 208 self.assertEqual(len(keypoints),367)
209 210 211
212 -class _TestDistance(unittest.TestCase):
214 - def setUp(self):
215 '''Initialize the tests'''
216 217
218 - def test_1_bool2Ubyte(self):
219 '''distance::boolToUbyte ...........................................''' 220 a = np.random.randint(2,size=16) > 0 221 b = pv.boolToUbyte(a) 222 c = pv.ubyteToBool(b) 223 d = pv.boolToUbyte(c) 224 225 self.assert_((a == c).sum() == 16) 226 self.assert_((b == d).sum() == 2) 227 228 a = np.random.randint(2,size=5000) > 0 229 b = pv.boolToUbyte(a) 230 c = pv.ubyteToBool(b) 231 d = pv.boolToUbyte(c) 232 233 self.assert_((a == c).sum() == 5000) 234 self.assert_((b == d).sum() == 625)
235 236 237 238
239 - def test_2_hamming(self):
240 '''distance::hamming 1..............................................''' 241 a = np.random.randint(2,size=16) > 0 242 b = np.random.randint(2,size=16) > 0 243 244 bin_hamming = pv.hamming(a,b) 245 246 a = pv.boolToUbyte(a) 247 b = pv.boolToUbyte(b) 248 249 byte_hamming = pv.hamming(a,b) 250 251 self.assertEquals(bin_hamming,byte_hamming)
252 253
254 - def test_3_hamming(self):
255 '''distance::hamming 2..............................................''' 256 a = np.random.randint(2,size=1769472) > 0 257 b = np.random.randint(2,size=1769472) > 0 258 259 bin_hamming = pv.hamming(a,b) 260 261 a = pv.boolToUbyte(a) 262 b = pv.boolToUbyte(b) 263 264 byte_hamming = pv.hamming(a,b) 265 266 self.assertEquals(bin_hamming,byte_hamming)
267 268 269 270 271
272 -def test():
273 '''Run the face test suite.''' 274 pv.disableCommercialUseWarnings() 275 276 normalize_suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(_TestNormalize) 277 surf_suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(_TestSURF) 278 dist_suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(_TestDistance) 279 280 281 282 test_suites = [ 283 normalize_suite, 284 surf_suite, 285 dist_suite 286 ] 287 288 289 pyvision_suite = unittest.TestSuite(test_suites) 290 291 unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(pyvision_suite)
292 293 294 if __name__ == '__main__': 295 # By default run the test suite 296 unittest.main(testRunner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)) 297