Package pyvision :: Package other :: Module normalize
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[frames] | no frames]

Module normalize

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Functions [hide private]
TODO: deprecated please use meanStd.
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clipRange(matrix, min_val, max_val)
zero mean, one standard deviation
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zero mean, one standard deviation
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zero mean, unit length
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unit length
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selfQuotientImage(matrix, sigma=5.0)
Compute a self quotient image.
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gaussianFilter(im, sigma)
Smooth an image using a Gaussian filter.
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highPassFilter(matrix, sigma)
This function computes a high and low pass filter.
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lowPassFilter(matrix, sigma)
This function computes a low pass filter.
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bandPassFilter(matrix, sigma_low, sigma_high)
This function computes a high and low pass filter.
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Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'pyvision.other'
Function Details [hide private]

selfQuotientImage(matrix, sigma=5.0)

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Compute a self quotient image.

Based on work by Wang "Self Quotient Image for Face Recognition" ICIP 2004

highPassFilter(matrix, sigma)

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This function computes a high and low pass filter. This can be used to reduce the effect of lighting.

A low pass image is first computed by convolving the image with a Gausian filter of radius sigma. Second, a high pass image is computed by subtracting the low pass image from the original image. This means that the original image can be reconstructed by adding a low pass image and a high pass image.


lowPassFilter(matrix, sigma)

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This function computes a low pass filter. It basically smoothes the image by convolving with a Gaussian. This is often used to reduce the effect of noise in images or to reduce the effect of small registration errors.

an pv.Image set from a numpy matrix if input was an image or a numpy matrix otherwize.

bandPassFilter(matrix, sigma_low, sigma_high)

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This function computes a high and low pass filter. This can be used to reduce the effect of lighting.

A low pass image is first computed by convolving the image with a Gausian filter of radius sigma. Second, a high pass image is computed by subtracting the low pass image from the original image. This means that the original image can be reconstructed by adding a low pass image and a high pass image.
