Package pyvision :: Package other :: Module color :: Class Histogram
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Class Histogram

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Basically a wrapper around an OpenCV histogram.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, hist, hist_type, nbins1, nbins2, nbins3)
nbins* are the number of bins and should be set to None if they do not exist
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asMatrix(self) source code
rescaleMax(self, value=255)
Rescale the histogram such that the maximum equals the value.
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rescaleSum(self, value=1.0)
Rescale the histogram such that the maximum equals the value.
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backProject(self, im, bg_hist=None) source code
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, hist, hist_type, nbins1, nbins2, nbins3)

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nbins* are the number of bins and should be set to None if they do not exist

  • hist - the OpenCV histogram @param hist_type