Package pyvision :: Package ml :: Module pca
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Module pca

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Created on Jan 17, 2011

Author: bolme

Functions [hide private]
prcomp(data, center=True, scale=False)
Conduct a basic principal components analysis on the data.
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pca(data, center=True, scale=False)
Conduct a basic principal components analysis on the data.
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Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = ''
Function Details [hide private]

prcomp(data, center=True, scale=False)

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Conduct a basic principal components analysis on the data.

This function has been compared to R to verify that it produces similar results.

  • data - a data matrix with vectors in rows
  • center - subtract the mean vector from the data
  • scale - scale the values to have unit variance

pca(data, center=True, scale=False)

source code 

Conduct a basic principal components analysis on the data.

This function has been compared to R to verify that it produces similar results.

  • data - a data matrix with vectors in rows
  • center - subtract the mean vector from the data
  • scale - scale the values to have unit variance