Package pyvision :: Package ml :: Module crossvalidate :: Class CrossValidation
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Class CrossValidation

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Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, n_folds=5)
Initializing a cross validation algorithm.
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setAlgorithm(self, alg_class, args=[], kwargs={}) source code
getTunedAlgorithm(self) source code
setTraining(self, labels, data, folds=None)
Adds training data.
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addTunableOption(self, keyword, values)
This specifie
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tuneAlogirthmExaustive(self, verbose=True)
This conducts an exaustive search of all tunable parameters to find the best tuning.
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runTest(self, alg_class, args, kwargs, verbose=True) source code
Returns: the best known tuning.
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Method Details [hide private]

setTraining(self, labels, data, folds=None)

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Adds training data.

  • label - a list of labels (int,str) or regression outputs (float)
  • data - a matrix of data values each row is a feature vector
  • fold - a list specifying the folds for validation. If None it will be randomly assigned.

addTunableOption(self, keyword, values)

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This specifie

  • keyword (str) - A keyword to use in the algorithm initializer.
  • values (list) - A list or tuple of values to use for keyword.


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the best known tuning.