Package pyvision :: Package face :: Module headdetector
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Source Code for Module pyvision.face.headdetector

  1  ''' 
  2  Created on Mar 27, 2012 
  4  @author: bolme 
  5  ''' 
  6  import pyvision as pv 
  7  import os 
  8  #import random 
  9  #import time 
 10  #import csv 
 11  import numpy as np 
 12  #import copy 
 14  import pyvision.face.CascadeDetector as cd 
 16  WEIGHTS = np.array([[  5.62758656e+00], 
 17         [  1.43633799e+00], 
 18         [  1.64466919e+01], 
 19         [  1.39618695e+02], 
 20         [  6.65913984e+00], 
 21         [ -2.92879480e+01], 
 22         [  4.61796737e+00], 
 23         [ -5.88458117e+00], 
 24         [  1.18577036e+03], 
 25         [  1.17193154e+03], 
 26         [  1.18310418e+03], 
 27         [  1.00350301e+06], 
 28         [  1.98506471e+06], 
 29         [  2.01482871e+06], 
 30         [  9.81550348e+05], 
 31         [  1.99287479e+06], 
 32         [  1.01131996e+06], 
 33         [ -5.82410452e+00]]) 
35 -class HeadDetector(object):
36 ''' 37 A detector that uses multiple detectors and quality measures to accuratly 38 detect faces. The goal is to be slow but accurate. 39 ''' 40
41 - def __init__(self,prescale=0.25,weights=WEIGHTS,default=True):
42 ''' Initialize the detector with default parameters. ''' 43 # Look for very small faces 44 self.fd = cd.CascadeDetector(min_size=(30,30)) 45 46 # Look for larger heads and shoulders 47 self.hd = cd.CascadeDetector(cd.UPPERBODY_MCS_CASCADE,min_size=(60,60)) 48 49 # Scale 50 self.prescale = prescale 51 52 # Returns a detection that can be used as a default if no other detections are avalible 53 self.default = default 54 55 # This regression will provide a quality score for the detector. 56 self.quality = pv.LogisticRegression() 57 self.quality.params = weights
59 - def detect(self,im,annotate=True):
60 ''' 61 This performs face detection and returns an ordered list of faces sorted by confidence scores. 62 ''' 63 # Compute the raw detections . 64 detections = self.raw_detections(im) 65 66 # Produce a list of faces. 67 faces = [] 68 for each in detections: 69 rect = each[0] 70 71 # Assign a qualty score to each detection. 72 score = self.quality.predict(each[2:]) 73 rect.detector = each[1] 74 rect.score = score[0] 75 faces.append(rect) 76 77 # Add a default 78 if self.default == True: 79 w,h = im.size 80 s = 0.75*min(w,h) 81 default = pv.CenteredRect(0.5*w,0.5*h,s,s) 82 default.score = 0.0 83 default.detector = "DEFAULT" 84 faces.append(default) 85 # Order the list by score. 86 faces.sort(lambda x,y: -cmp(x.score,y.score)) 87 88 return faces
90 - def raw_detections(self,im):
91 ''' 92 Run the face detectors with additional quality parameters. 93 ''' 94 W,H = im.size 95 96 scale = 1.0/self.prescale 97 im = im.scale(self.prescale) 98 99 faces = self.fd(im) 100 faces = [[scale*rect,'FACE'] for rect in faces] 101 102 heads = self.hd(im) 103 104 # Approximate face locations from head detections 105 hfaces = [] 106 for each in heads: 107 # Get the center of the head location 108 x,y,w,_ = each.asCenteredTuple() 109 y = y - 0.10*w 110 w = 0.33*w 111 hfaces.append([scale*pv.CenteredRect(x,y,w,w),'HEAD']) 112 113 # Compute when face and head detections overlap 114 for face in faces: 115 best_overlap = 0.0 116 for head in hfaces: 117 best_overlap = max(best_overlap,face[0].similarity(head[0])) 118 if best_overlap > 0.7: 119 face.append(1.0) 120 else: 121 face.append(0.0) 122 123 # Compute when face and head detections overlap 124 for head in hfaces: 125 best_overlap = 0.0 126 for face in faces: 127 best_overlap = max(best_overlap,head[0].similarity(face[0])) 128 if best_overlap > 0.7: 129 head.append(1.0) 130 else: 131 head.append(0.0) 132 133 detections = faces + hfaces 134 135 # Compute some simple statistics 136 for each in detections: 137 tile = pv.AffineFromRect(self.prescale*each[0],(128,128))(im) 138 139 140 # face vs head detection 141 each.append(1.0*(each[1] == 'FACE')) 142 143 # size relative to image 144 each.append(np.sqrt(each[0].area())/np.sqrt(W*H)) 145 each.append(np.sqrt(each[0].area())/np.sqrt(W*H)**2) 146 147 # scaled contrast 148 each.append(tile.asMatrix2D().std()/255.0) 149 each.append((tile.asMatrix2D().std()/255.0)**2) 150 151 # scaled brightness 152 each.append(tile.asMatrix2D().mean()/255.0) 153 each.append((tile.asMatrix2D().mean()/255.0)**2) 154 155 # relative rgb intensity 156 rgb = tile.asMatrix3D() 157 t = rgb.mean() + 0.001 # grand mean regularized 158 159 # rgb relative to grand mean 160 r = -1+rgb[0,:,:].mean()/t 161 g = -1+rgb[1,:,:].mean()/t 162 b = -1+rgb[2,:,:].mean()/t 163 164 # create a quadradic model with interactions for rgb 165 each += [r,g,b,r*r,r*g,r*b,g*g,g*b,b*b] 166 167 return detections
168 169 170
171 - def train(self, image_dir, eye_data):
172 ''' 173 This function trains the logistic regression model to score the meta-detections. 174 175 Images must be oriented so that the face is upright. 176 177 @param image_dir: A pathname containing images. 178 @param eye_data: a list of tuples (from csv) filename,eye1x,eye1y,eye2x,eye2y 179 ''' 180 print "Training" 181 182 data_set = [] 183 184 progress = pv.ProgressBar(maxValue=len(eye_data)) 185 for row in eye_data: 186 filename = row[0] 187 print "Processing",row 188 points = [float(val) for val in row[1:]] 189 eye1 = pv.Point(points[0],points[1]) 190 eye2 = pv.Point(points[2],points[3]) 191 192 # Compute the truth rectangle from the eye coordinates 193 ave_dist = np.abs(cd.AVE_LEFT_EYE.X() - cd.AVE_RIGHT_EYE.X()) 194 y_height = 0.5*(cd.AVE_LEFT_EYE.Y() + cd.AVE_RIGHT_EYE.Y()) 195 x_center = 0.5*(eye1.X() + eye2.X()) 196 x_dist = np.abs(eye1.X() - eye2.X()) 197 width = x_dist/ave_dist 198 y_center = 0.5*(eye1.Y() + eye2.Y()) + (0.5-y_height)*width 199 truth = pv.CenteredRect(x_center,y_center,width,width) 200 201 # Read the image 202 im = pv.Image(os.path.join(image_dir,filename)) 203 204 # Compute the detections 205 detections = self.raw_detections(im) 206 #print detections 207 208 # Score the detections 209 # Similarity above 0.7 count as correct and get a value of 1.0 in the logistic regression 210 # Incorrect detections get a value of 0.0 211 scores = [truth.similarity(each[0]) for each in detections] 212 213 for i in range(len(scores)): 214 score = scores[i] 215 detection = detections[i] 216 success = 0.0 217 if score > 0.7: 218 success = 1.0 219 row = detection[1],success,detection[2:] 220 print row 221 data_set.append(row) 222 223 # Display the results 224 im = im.scale(self.prescale) 225 colors = {'FACE':'yellow','HEAD':'blue'} 226 for detection in detections: 227 #print detection 228 rect = self.prescale*detection[0] 229 im.annotateRect(rect,color=colors[detection[1]]) 230 im.annotateRect(self.prescale*truth,color='red') 231 progress.updateAmount() 232 233 print 234 235 progress.finish() 236 obs = [each[1] for each in data_set] 237 data = [each[2] for each in data_set] 238 239 print obs 240 print data 241 242 self.quality.train(obs,data) 243 244 return 245 246 for each in data_set: 247 self.quality[each[0]][1].append(each[1]) 248 self.quality[each[0]][2].append(each[2]) 249 250 for key,value in self.quality.iteritems(): 251 print "Training:",key 252 obs = value[1] 253 data = value[2] 254 assert len(obs) == len(data) 255 value[0].train(obs,data) 256 print value[0].params 257 258 print "Done Training"
259 260
261 - def __call__(self,*args,**kwargs):
262 return self.detect(*args,**kwargs)
263 264 #if __name__ == '__main__': 265 # # Create the face detector 266 # md = HeadDetector() 267 # 268 # # Read the eye data into memory 269 # f = csv.reader(open('eye_coords_training.csv','rb')) 270 # eye_data = [row for row in f] 271 # 272 # # Train on 800 images. 273 # md.train("/FaceData/BFRC_Training/", eye_data[:1000]) 274 # 275 # # Save the detector to disk 276 # pickle.dump(md,open('metadetector2.pkl','wb'),protocol=2) 277 # 278