Package pyvision :: Package face :: Module SVMEyeDetector :: Class RegressionEyeLocator2
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Class RegressionEyeLocator2

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This class detects faces and then returns the detection rectangles and the eye coordinates.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, face_detector=CascadeDetector(), tile_size=(128,128), subtile_size=(32,32), left_center=pv.Point(39.325481787836871,50.756936769089975), right_center=pv.Point(91.461135538006289,50.845357457309881), validate=None, n_iter=1, annotate=False, **kwargs)
Create an eye locator.
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createLocators(self, **kwargs)
Create two point locators that use the methods of interest
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generateTransforms(self, detection) source code
addTraining(self, left_eye, right_eye, im)
Train an eye detector givin a full image and the eye coordinates.
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train(self, **kwargs)
Train the eye locators.
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detect(self, im)
Returns: a list of tuples where each tuple contains (registered_image, detection_rect, left_eye, right_eye)
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, face_detector=CascadeDetector(), tile_size=(128,128), subtile_size=(32,32), left_center=pv.Point(39.325481787836871,50.756936769089975), right_center=pv.Point(91.461135538006289,50.845357457309881), validate=None, n_iter=1, annotate=False, **kwargs)

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Create an eye locator. This default implentation uses a cascade classifier for face detection and then SVR for eye location.

detect(self, im)

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a list of tuples where each tuple contains (registered_image, detection_rect, left_eye, right_eye)