Package pyvision :: Package face :: Module FaceRecognizer :: Class FaceRecognizer
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Class FaceRecognizer

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Known Subclasses:

Base class for a face recognition algorithm. Output is a similarity score.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self) source code
Returns a list of all pairs of images in the training set that are of the same person.
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Returns a list of all pairs in the training images that are of different people.
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addTraining(self, img, rect=None, eyes=None, sub_id=None)
Adds a training face for the algorithm.
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distance(self, fr1, fr2)
Compute the similarity of two faces
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computeFaceRecord(self, im, rect=None, eyes=None)
Given an image and face location, compute a face record.
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Method Details [hide private]

computeFaceRecord(self, im, rect=None, eyes=None)

source code 

Given an image and face location, compute a face record.

  • im - image containing the face
  • rect - specifies the location of the face in the image, and is typically defined as a detection rectangle or eye coordinates.
data that represents the identity of the face, such as eigen coeffecients for PCA.