Package pyvision :: Package face :: Module CascadeDetector :: Class CascadeDetector
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Class CascadeDetector

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This class is a wrapper around the OpenCV cascade detectior.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, cascade_name='/Users/qdb/Dropbox (ORNL)/git/pyvision/src/pyvision/config/ha..., orig_size=None, min_size=(60, 60), image_scale=1.3, haar_scale=1.2, min_neighbors=2, haar_flags=0)
Init the detector and create the cascade classifier
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__call__(self, im)
This function is the same as detect.
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Function required to save and load the state from pickel.
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__setstate__(self, state)
Function required to save and load the state from pickel.
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_resizeImage(self, image, scale=None, size=None)
Resize an image by a scale or a size.
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detect(self, im)
Runs the cascade classifer on an image.
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Method Details [hide private]

_resizeImage(self, image, scale=None, size=None)

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Resize an image by a scale or a size. Internal use only.