Package pyvision :: Package data
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Source Code for Package

  1  ''' 
  2  This package contains some standard tests that can be performed with 
  3  the test data distributed with pyvision. 
  4  ''' 
  5  import pyvision as pv 
  6  import os 
  7  from pyvision.analysis.FaceAnalysis.EyesFile import EyesFile 
  8  import csv 
  9  import numpy as np 
 11  SCRAPS_EYES = EyesFile(os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','csuScrapShots','coords.txt')) 
 12  ''' The path to a text file containing coordinates to the scrapshots dataset. ''' 
 16  # Common test images 
 17  AIRPLANE  = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','misc','airplane.jpg') 
 18  ''' The path to a commonly use test image of a jet airplane.''' 
 20  BABOON    = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','misc','baboon.jpg') 
 21  ''' The path to a commonly use test image of a baboon face.''' 
 23  FRUITS    = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','misc','fruits.jpg') 
 24  ''' The path to a commonly use test image of fruit.''' 
 26  LENA      = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','misc','lena.jpg') 
 27  ''' The path to a commonly used "Lena" test image.''' 
 29  LOGO      = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','misc','logo.jpg') 
 30  ''' The path to a commonly use test image of a butterfly used as the pyvision logo.''' 
 32  TAZ_IMAGE = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','test','TAZ_0010.jpg') 
 33  ''' The path to a commonly use test image of a butterfly used as the pyvision logo.''' 
 35  TAZ_VIDEO = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','test','TazSample.m4v') 
 36  ''' The path to a test video of a Loony Tunes Taz stuffed animal.''' 
 38  CAR_VIDEO = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','test','toy_car.m4v') 
 39  ''' The path to a test video of a small moving car.''' 
 41  BUGS_VIDEO = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','test','BugsSample.m4v') 
 42  ''' The path to a test video sequence of bugs crawling through weeds.''' 
 45  FONT_ARIAL = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'config','Arial.ttf') 
 46  ''' The path to a file containing the Arial true type font. ''' 
 48  IRIS_PATH = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','ml','iris.csv') 
 49  IRIS_DATA = np.array(list(csv.reader(open(IRIS_PATH,'rb')))) 
 51  IRIS_DATA = np.array(IRIS_DATA[1:,1:5],dtype=np.float32) 
55 -def genderClassifier(clsfy, ilog=None):
56 ''' 57 genderClassifier takes a classifier as an argument and will use the 58 csuScrapShot data to perform a gender classification test on that 59 classifier. 60 61 These three functions will be called:: 62 63 for im in training_images: 64 clsfy.addTraining(label,im,ilog=ilog) 65 66 clsfy.train(ilog=ilog) 67 68 for im in testing_images: 69 clsfy.predict(im,ilog=ilog) 70 71 label = 0 or 1 (0=Female,1=Male) 72 73 im is a 64x64 pyvision image that is normalized to crop the face 74 75 Output of predict should be a class label (0 or 1) 76 77 @returns: the success rate for the testing set. 78 ''' 79 filename = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','csuScrapShots','gender.txt') 80 f = open(filename,'r') 81 image_cache = [] 82 examples = [] 83 for line in f: 84 im_name, class_name = line.split() 85 if class_name == 'F': 86 class_name = 0 87 else: 88 class_name = 1 89 long_name = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','csuScrapShots',im_name) 90 leye,reye = SCRAPS_EYES.getEyes(im_name)[0] 91 im = pv.Image(long_name) 92 image_cache.append(im) 93 im = pv.AffineFromPoints(leye,reye,pv.Point(22,27),pv.Point(42,27),(64,64)).transformImage(im) 94 #im = pv.Image(im.asPIL().resize((64,64))) 95 examples.append([class_name,im,im_name]) 96 97 training = examples[:103] 98 testing = examples[103:] 99 100 for each in training[:103]: 101 clsfy.addTraining(each[0],each[1],ilog=ilog) 102 103 clsfy.train(ilog=ilog) 104 105 table = pv.Table() 106 #values = {0:[],1:[]} 107 108 correct = 0 109 total = 0 110 for each in testing: 111 label = clsfy.predict(each[1],ilog=ilog) 112 total += 1 113 if label == each[0]: 114 correct += 1 115 116 rate = float(correct)/total 117 118 if ilog: ilog.table(table) 119 return rate
120 121 if __name__ == "__main__": 122 from pyvision.vector.SVM import SVM 123 124 svm = SVM(kernel='LINEAR',random_seed=30) 125 ilog = pv.ImageLog() 126 print "SVM rate:",genderClassifier(svm,ilog=None) 127 128 svm = SVM(kernel='RBF',random_seed=30) 129 ilog = pv.ImageLog() 130 print "SVM rate:",genderClassifier(svm,ilog=None) 131 132 133