Package pyvision :: Package analysis :: Module stats
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Module stats

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Classes [hide private]
Functions [hide private]
pbinom(q, size, prob)
Binomial probabilites - measured from the left.
source code
qbinom(p, size, prob)
Binomial quantiles
source code
cibinom(size, success, alpha=0.05)
Confidence interval for a binomial distribution.
source code
mcnemar_test(sf, fs)
From Zhoo and Chellappa.
source code
pdfWeibull(x, shape, scale) source code
cdfWeibull(x, shape, scale) source code
fitWeibull(x, ilog=None)
Emperically fit a Weibull distribution to x
source code
cov(x, y=None)
A function that simply computes the covariance: Cov(X,Y).
source code
cor(x, y=None)
A function that simply computes the correlation matrix: Corr(X,Y).
source code
Converts a symmetric positive definite matrix to a correlation matrix by normalizing by the diagonal.
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Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'pyvision.analysis'
Function Details [hide private]

mcnemar_test(sf, fs)

source code 

From Zhoo and Chellappa. "Face Processining". Chapter 3.

Compairs the output of two algorithms on the same set of trials. Notice that trials where they both succeeded or both failed are ignored. Output: The two-sided p-value for McNemar's Exact Test. For one sided divide by two.

If sf+fs is large you may want to use the approximate test.

Here is an example on a simple classifer... The problem is classifing images of bananas, apples, and oranges. Two algorithms are compaired by running the algorithms on the same set of 9 test images. Here are the outcomes.

|---|--------|--------|--------|-----------|-----------| | | truth | Alg A | Alg B | Success A | Success B | |---|--------|--------|--------|-----------|-----------| | 1 | banana | banana | banana | T | T | | 2 | apple | apple | banana | T | F | | 3 | orange | apple | orange | F | T | | 4 | orange | apple | apple | F | F | | 5 | apple | apple | apple | T | T | | 6 | banana | banana | banana | T | T | | 7 | apple | apple | banana | T | F | | 8 | orange | orange | apple | T | F | | 9 | banana | None | banana | T | T | |---|--------|--------|--------|-----------|-----------|

Now you can count the number of times both algorithms succeed, both algorithms fail, A succeeds and B fails, and A fails and B succeeds.

|-------|-----|-----|-------| | | A=T | A=F | Total | |-------|-----|-----|-------| | B=T | 4 | 1 | 5 | | B=F | 3 | 1 | 4 | |-------|-----|-----|-------| | Total | 7 | 2 | 9 | |-------|-----|-----|-------|

From this table you can compute success rates (A=T)/Total...

> 7.0/9.0 # A Success Rate 0.77777777777777779

> 5.0/9.0 # B Success Rate 0.55555555555555558

The input to McNemar's Test are the SF (A=T,B=F) = 3 and FS (A=F,B=T) = 1.

> mcnemar_test(3,1) # Two-sided p-value 0.625

  • sf - the number of trials algorithm A succeeded and algorithm B failed.
  • fs - the number of trials algorithm A failed and algorithm B succeeded.

fitWeibull(x, ilog=None)

source code 

Emperically fit a Weibull distribution to x

  • x (a list of floats) - a list containing the x.
  • ilog (pv.ImageLog) - an image log to save fit information.

cov(x, y=None)

source code 

A function that simply computes the covariance: Cov(X,Y). Data points should be stored in rows. This function should have similar conventions and results as the R function of the same name.

  • x (np.array) - a matrix containing data.
  • y - an optional second matrix. By default y = x.

cor(x, y=None)

source code 

A function that simply computes the correlation matrix: Corr(X,Y). Data points should be stored in rows. This function should have similar conventions and results as the R function of the same name.

  • x (np.array) - a matrix containing data.
  • y - an optional second matrix. By default y = x.