Package pyvision :: Package analysis :: Package classifier :: Module ConfusionMatrix :: Class ConfusionMatrix
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Class ConfusionMatrix

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Table.Table --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, algorithm_name=None, test_name=None) source code
addData(self, truth, prediction, weight=1)
Add data to a confusion matrix.
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Returns a point estimate of the probability of success
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confidenceInterval(self, alpha=0.05)
Returns the estimated a confidence interval for the success update_rate by modeling the success update_rate as a binomial distribution.
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computeRates(self, alpha=0.05)
Populates the distance matrix with more information such as recognition rates for each row.
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Inherited from Table.Table: __getitem__, __setitem__, __str__, accumulateData, asHtml, asLists, asPlainText, asTex, element, elementAsText, hasElement, head, justifyText, load, nCols, nRows, rebuildTable, save, setColumnFormat, setData, setElement, sortByColHeader, sortByRowHeader, tail

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, algorithm_name=None, test_name=None)

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Overrides: Table.Table.__init__

addData(self, truth, prediction, weight=1)

source code 

Add data to a confusion matrix. "truth" is the true/correct and "prediction" is the output of the classifier. Typically you would build this matrix one "test" at a time. To add multiple test at a time you can use the weight to populate the data more quickly.

computeRates(self, alpha=0.05)

source code 

Populates the distance matrix with more information such as recognition rates for each row. Call this only after all of the data has been added.