Package pyvision :: Package analysis :: Module ImageLog :: Class ImageLog
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Class ImageLog

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An image log is used to collect data about an experiment. This data can be images, tables, pickled python objects.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, topdir='/tmp', name='pyvis_log')
Create an image log.
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__call__(self, item, *args, **kwargs) source code
log(self, image, label='NOLABEL', ext='png', **kwargs)
Save a pyvision image to the log.
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plot(self, plot, label='NOLABEL', ext='png', **kwargs)
Save a pyvision plot to the log.
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table(self, table, label='NOLABEL')
Save a pyvision table to the log as a csv file.
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csv(self, data, label='NOLABEL', headers=None)
Save a list of lists or matrix to the log as a csv file.
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pickle(self, data, label='NOLABEL')
Pickle a python data to the log directory.
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file(self, data=None, label='NOLABEL', ext='.dat')
Write the buffer data to a file.
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Show any images that are in the directory.
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, topdir='/tmp', name='pyvis_log')

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Create an image log. By default a log is created in the /tmp dir. The name of the log directory start with the date and time the log was created and ends with 'name'.

  • topdir - The location where the log directory will be created.
  • name - a name to append to the directory name.

pickle(self, data, label='NOLABEL')

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Pickle a python data to the log directory. This may not be supported by all objects.

file(self, data=None, label='NOLABEL', ext='.dat')

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Write the buffer data to a file. If data == None then the file object is returned.