Package pyvision :: Package analysis :: Package FaceAnalysis :: Module EyesFile :: Class EyesFile
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[frames] | no frames]

Class EyesFile

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Parses and interfaces with an eyes file. Eyes files can be comma separated (.csv) files or white space separated files.

Each line of the file should have an image name and then the left X, left Y, right X, and right Y. Extensions will be automatically striped from image filenames.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, filename)
Inits and reads in the data.
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Returns: a list of all image filenames
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hasFile(self, filename)
Returns: True if filename is in index or False otherwise
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findFace(self, filename, rect)
Returns the eye coordinates given a face detection rectangle.
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getFaces(self, filename) source code
getEyes(self, filename) source code
Private: Do not call directly.
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_parseName(self, fname)
Private: Do not call directly.
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Method Details [hide private]


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a list of all image filenames

hasFile(self, filename)

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True if filename is in index or False otherwise

findFace(self, filename, rect)

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Returns the eye coordinates given a face detection rectangle. This is useful if you have a face detector and want to simulate eye detection

  • filename - image filename
  • rect - rectangle that bounds the face that you want eye coordinates.
[image_name, leye, reye, face_rect] or None if the rectangle is not near a face.


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Private: Do not call directly. Reads the eye file.

_parseName(self, fname)

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Private: Do not call directly. Parses the base filename.